Nicosia Chiropractic Centre
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Chiropractic care in the general population

Chiropractic concentrates on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system in order to improve its function and maintain general health. Chiropractic acknowledges the close relationship between different parts of the body and the nervous system and that all parts of the body need to get their signals via the nervous system to work effectively.

So many of us live very stressful lives, often worrying about various aspects of life on a daily basis, which contribute to our emotional stress levels. Many of us spend our days sitting at desks and in front of computers, and spend very little time being physically active and keeping fit, contributing to our physical stress levels. Another common physical stressor is a specific accident or sporting injury. A large proportion of the population find pleasure in smoking or over eating unhealthy foods, often rich in preservatives and artificial flavorings, increasing the chemical stressors to their bodies.

All these stressors, physical, chemical and emotional, either in isolation or when added together over a prolonged period of time can result in abnormal function and misalignments of the spine, causing symptoms such as back pain, sciatica, headaches or migraine, shoulder and neck pain, pins and needles in the arms or legs, jaw pain or pains in the knees, feet or hands.

Chiropractic care is aimed at correcting such abnormal function and mis-alignements via specific adjustments to the joints of the spine and/or extremities. However, the aim of the chiropractic consultation and treatment, is not only to reduce the current symptoms of pain, but also to establish the cause of the pain and provide advice in order to prevent a recurrence of the specific condition or the development of other conditions in the

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  30 Vyzantiou St, Flat 21, 2064 Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus   tel +357 22 666086   fax +357 22 666096